News and Spotlights

Remembering Emeritus Earth and Environmental Sciences Professor Edward Evenson Edward Evenson, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and distinguished scientist of glacial geology, died August 7 at his home in Mackay, ID. He was 80. Born in Wisconsin in 1942, Evenson had an internationally...
Asian Studies program and Humanitites Center co-sponsor year-long sci-fi reading group centered around perspectives of imagination One doesn’t need to be an educator to understand that humans learn best about a topic they find interesting and fun…like science fiction. Annabella Pitkin, director...
Amaya Apolinario has undeniably made the most of her four years at Lehigh. The senior, who hails from the small town of Clinton, North Carolina, will graduate in May with a double major in English and Japanese. In addition to her rigorous course load, Apolinario is also involved with several...
Annabella Pitkin examines how communities respond to trauma, address suffering, and renew transformative relationships through practices of memory   Annabella Pitkin grew up in New York City, with its contradictions like unprecedented prosperity amidst stark poverty. As a teenager, the impact of...
Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, a team of Lehigh faculty are collaborating with colleagues at the University of Bordeaux, France, to develop advanced imaging techniques and innovative microscopic probes to determine how biological cells respond to force and to train U.S...
A Trip to Sierra Leone Highlights Student's Academic Experience When Nahjiah Miller ‘24 joined the Global Social Impact Fellowship (GSIF), she had no inkling how impactful that experience would be. GSIFs are a highly self-selected cohort of undergraduate and graduate students from all...
Terry-Ann Jones examines the experiences of seasonal, migrant sugarcane workers in Brazil, providing insights in the country’s deep-seated inequalities Thousands of workers from northeast Brazil make the journey to plantations in the more affluent southern part of the country each year to manually...
Environmental Policy Student Examines Impact of Conservation in Uganda Margaux Petruska ’21 '23G, a student in the Environmental Policy program, spent four weeks in eastern Uganda in summer 2022. Clad in a long skirt in the summer heat, Petruska worked with a translator interviewing...
Lehigh University Art Galleries (LUAG) has been awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) to support professional development programs for educators and teaching artists that focus on engaging and including diverse audiences in arts...
Euan Forrest ’23 combines dual majors with soccer to create a fully rounded Lehigh experience    Choosing Lehigh was a no-brainer for Euan Forrest ’23.  “First, I knew that Lehigh would give me the opportunity to academically pursue everything that I was interested in and set me up for success...
Mahboubeh Boueshagh never saw snow in her hometown in the Khuzestan Province of southwestern Iran. But as a Lehigh Ph.D. student, she is deep into snow—immersed in data in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences’ Remote Sensing Lab. The snowpack data she examines is significant as...
Justin Bennett '23 has always loved physics. As he put it, “for my entire life I contemplated the complexities of the universe.” But during and after his sophomore year at Lehigh, he had an opportunity to get more serious about heavy ions, and pursue a passion for nuclear physics. With the...
Uganda Sustainable Livelihoods Program Offers Life-Changing Experiences Chae Eun Kim ’22 entered Lehigh without declaring a major, weighing interests in teaching, marketing, and environmental science before majoring in sociology and anthropology. But the key to her eventual career came...
Department of Energy grant funds physicist’s examination of the early universe In the first few microseconds after the Big Bang, the universe consisted of a hot and dense state of matter called the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). This state of matter is essentially a "soup" of quarks and gluons, the...
Frances Tanzer, Kafka and his writing machine, 2021. Historians define time as the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. Time can be measured, explained by a series of events. Historian Nitzan Lebovic is studying a collection of 20th-century German...
Deirdre Murphy is a Philadelphia-based painter whose art is constantly evolving while staying grounded in the patterns and perspectives of science and nature.   Feathering the Nest Artists of all stripes try to capture and represent moments that have made an impression on them. These moments...
A mile-long park in Denver, Colo., has become a place where the past meets the present, reflected in four public art installations created by artist Wes Heiss. Filtered through the creative vision of Heiss, associate professor of product design in the Department of Art, Architecture and Design,...
Physicists Sera Cremonini and Timm Wrase receive support from the National Science Foundation and firmly establish a string theory and high-energy physics group at Lehigh.
NIH Grant Funds Lehigh Researchers' Exploration of Lipid Membranes
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions ram ions traveling at speeds comparable to the speed of light, by which physicists can study the primal form of matter that occurred in the universe shortly after the Big Bang. These impacts and the properties of the matter produced in them are the focus of...
